HD Video Still, Chapter 3: Land, 06:16 (2020)
This three-part film moving image work takes the form of a research essay which explores geological materials such as silver and salt, and their subsequent integration as part of thermal solar energy systems and the geophysical spaces they themselves inhabit. The work thinks through both material histories and sunlight as something which is both entangled and interconnected, personal and political. Green energy systems, and in the case of solar energy, is sold to us as immaterial and renewable; but it’s technics are grounded in the extractive and geophysical, de-territorialized and disseminated. The work moves between personal mediations on light and geology, and thinks about sunlight as an elemental, omnipresent and global experience, one which pervades bodies – both human and non-human; also as a global commodity, one which has been subject to the laws of capital and extraction.
‘No One Can Ever Embargo the Sun: Light, Silver and Land’ by Amanda Rice is the fourth project in the new screening programme ‘Dialogue Model: I can’t hear myself without you listening’ for M8 Space, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, curated by Edel O’ Reilly.
HD Vimeo Link, (Chapters 1-3) Duration 19:51 (2020)
Installed at ‘Woman in the Machine’ at VISUAL Centre for Contemporary Art, 2021.
Image Credit: AislingMcCoy