DATA.BASE: MEMORY, LOSS: a five week peer-learning programme organised by DATA, and hosted at BASE / by Amanda Rice

Thrilled for the Flesh of Language to screen as part of DATA.BASE: MEMORY, LOSS, a five week peer-learning programme organised by DATA, and hosted at BASE. selected by aemi, showing on the 7th November. 

In a time of digital abundance – where streams of data endlessly multiply across networked  domains, connected through an ever expanding infrastructure of data centres, copper and fibre optics cables and devices made of rare minerals extracted from the earth – how do we deal with the endless expansion of the digital in a world that has limits?

Whilst digital expansion continues unabated there is also an increasing awareness of the environmental impact of data, the social and political impacts of hyper-connectedness and pervasive media, and the impacts on labour, wealth and inequality.

This autumn, join us for DATA.BASE: MEMORY, LOSS, a five week peer-learning programme organised by DATA, and hosted at BASE, that explores what it means to record, to remember and to forget.

Working in association with Beta Festival and Fire Station Artist Studios, Memory Loss allows participants a focussed period of experimentation and exchange to dig deeper into pressing questions of technology, power and society.

Over six sessions, participants will come together in a peer-led programme supported by facilitators to examine themes including digital waste, media obsolescence, critical tech and digital infrastructure and to consider ways in which to exist and resist in the face of digital accumulation.